On March 23rd, the Woodstock City Council approved amendments to the City’s Land Development Code regarding plats and variances. The code amendments gave final decision making power on variances to the City Council.
At its October 9th meeting, the City Council discussed a proposal for a new impact fee program for Fire Services. Cherokee County provides fire service protection to the City. According to the City, discussions have been held with County leaders to consider adopting the impact fees to fund a new fire station if it is to be built in or near the city. If approved, the estimated fee would be $550.00 per unit for residential properties and commercial fees would be based on the County’s current square footage/use requirements.
At its meeting on February 4th, the Canton City Council voted to rescind its approval of a self-taxing commercial district in the Canton Marketplace development of GA Hwy 20. It was originally approved by the Council on December 20th. The stated reason for rescinding the CID was because of missing details and a need for further review.