On Wednesday, March 27th, The Council for Quality Growth hosted one of our premier events the 9th Annual “Meet & Greet” at The Georgian Club.
The Meet and Greet was attended by over 370 people, including 70+ elected officials from all across the Metro Atlanta area.
If you want to see more pictures from the event, please click HERE and HERE.
Thank you to all who attended and we look forward to seeing you all next year for the 10th Anniversary of the Council’s “Meet & Greet.”
Thank you again to our “Meet & Greet” Sponsors:
Premier Sponsors
Gas South
Georgia Power
Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP
Gold Sponsors
The Georgian Club
Weissman Curry, Nowak & Wilco
Silver Sponsors
Brown and Caldwell
Cumberland CID
Gresham, Smith and Partners
Moreland Altobelli Associates, Inc.
T.Y. Lin International
Wolverton & Associates, Inc.
Click HERE to read coverage of the “Meet & Greet” in Saporta Report