Savannah Harbor Deepening

The Georgia House of Representatives passed Senate Resolution 312 by a vote of 167-3 on March 29th.  The resolution endorses the efforts to deepen the harbors in Savannah and Charleston, S.C. along with the proposed port in Jasper County, S.C.  Due to the expansion of the Panama Canal in 2014, the harbors must be deepened to accommodate larger cargo ships and ensure the Savannah Harbor remains competitive in global commerce and trade.  The harbor deepening is considered to be the most important economic development project in the state right now.  SR 312 previously passed the State Senate unanimously and has no other channels to go through in the Georgia General Assembly.  Governor Deal has already pledged $32 million in this year’s budget toward the harbor deepening.  Senator Isakson, Senator Chambliss and members of the Georgia Congressional Delegation are diligently working to secure federal funds for this initiative too.  The total cost of this project is expected to be $551 million.