In July 2013, the USPS revised existing regulations to give them greater autonomy in determining modes of delivery. In an attempt to “maintain a safe, reliable and efficient national Postal Service,” USPS has decided to enforce central modes of delivery on a case-by-case basis, such as cluster box units (CBU’S) or kiosks, for new development sites; and yet, in spite of this, some projects that are already under construction, or that have already been approved, have been notified to install centralized mailboxes. The USPS is requiring that these units be located at the entrance of the subdivision or business complex.
While the new USPS regulation for central delivery is a national requirement, local postmasters have the authority to work with developers and enforce these new regulations. With the increase in development activity, some postmasters in the state have started to enforce the provision. Because of this, Planning and Development departments are already working with the DOT to create desired standards for their localities. Some of the standards they have been discussing are acceptable locations for centralized mailboxes (for instance, not in the right-of-way), and design criteria. These departments have also shown a desire to create a “grandfathering” rule to the provision for new, under review, or under construction developments, so that they will not be required to install central delivery.
The new USPS rule creates a major issue for developers around the region, especially for those who have already begun construction prior to enforcement of the regulations. Since it would be a standard problem region-wide, the Council is working with our metro counties to create a unified ordinance in order to address the issue. If you are interested in working with us, or if projects in your area have been affected by this new provision, please contact James Touchton at 770-813-3373 or jt@councilforqualitygrowth.