The City of Woodstock is seeking input from the Council for Quality Growth on their parking ordinances in order to provide them with an ordinance that would work for mixed-use, retail, etc. They are interested in crafting an ordinance that would fit the needs of their citizen’s and the development community as a whole. Please see below as to what they are seeking:
“The City of Woodstock would like to fully revise our parking ordinance so that it is more in line with what developers require in our suburban environment, while keeping a balance with efficient land use and environmental concerns. Our ordinance was last updated in 2005 and we are finding that our maximum number of spaces allowed appears to be too low in many cases. Keeping in mind that we have no transit in Woodstock, we’d like to know what the appropriate parking ratios should be for certain uses, especially restaurants, mixed use, hotels, and retail shopping centers. We currently allow overages on number of parking spaces, if the extra spaces are constructed of pervious pavement. We are still interested in offering extra spaces as an incentive to build the extra parking in an environmentally beneficial way, but we want to be sure that the method of doing so (such as pervious paving or green stormwater management techniques) is affordable and effective.”
To assist the City during its revision process, we are putting together a working group and would like to invite all members who are interested to take part in the working group or submit written input. The working group will be sent a draft of the revised ordinance to provide critical input to the City of Woodstock before they implement a revised parking ordinance. If you are able to offer assistance and willing to participate in the working group, please contact James Touchton (770-813-3373 or or Alex Hebdon (678-672-2551 or
To view Woodstock’s current parking standards, click HERE.