Impervious Surface Limits Remain an Issue in the Big Creek Small Water Supply Watershed

The Council for Quality Growth is currently working with Forsyth County on the issue of impervious surface limits in the Big Creek Small Water Supply Watershed.  In Provision 391-3-16.01(7)(c)(3) of a draft of updated Rules for Environmental Planning Criteria in the Unified Development Code, planning staff has proposed that “[t]he impervious surface area, including all public and private structures, utilities, or facilities, of the entire water supply watershed shall be limited to twenty-five (25) per cent, or existing use, whichever is greater.”

The Council has made recommendations to the Planning Department and the Board of Commissioners calling for the need of objective, reasonable, scientifically proven standards for clean water and that, so long as you can meet those standards, there should not be any mandatory impervious surface limitations.  Depending on the limitation imposed, development in the Big Creek Small Water Supply Watershed would be hindered.  The Council will continue to work with Forsyth County staff and the Board of Commissioners on this issue.  We would like to thank members of the Forsyth Advisory group including Ethan Underwood of Lipscomb, Johnson, Sleister, Dailey & Smith LLP, Alan Neal of Foresite Group, Inc. and Emory Lipscomb of Lipscomb, Johnson, Sleister, Dailey & Smith LLP and other members of the group for their input and continued participation on this issue.

Please contact Josh Stephens at if you have any questions on this issue.