The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) hosted the first meeting of the Advisory Task Force Revising Planning and Developments of Regional Impact Rules on August 16th. This group is responsible for evaluating the current rules for local comprehensive planning, developments of regional impact and solid waste management. The task force will suggest revisions to the current rules in order to make the planning process more efficient and effective for local governments. This issue was brought up during the 2011 Session with Senate Bill 86. The Council was concerned about the original intent of SB 86 to make local comprehensive planning optional. The Council advocated and testified in committee on continued planning at the local level. The task force hopes to finish by the end of 2011.
At the first meeting, the task force chair and DCA board member Steve Nygren introduced the goals and objectives of the committee and began discussion on the developments of regional impact process. The next meeting is scheduled on September 13th from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm at the DCA Board Room. The Council will remain engaged in this issue as the task force moves forward.