Council Members were hosted at Dunwoody City Hall for the North Fulton Advisory Meeting last week, with city staff presenting the proposed final zoning ordinance and land development changes, set to be adopted October 14th by the City Council, to take effect on October 21st.
The Council for Quality Growth has worked with the city and staff to provide input on behalf of our membership and the development industry since the process began in January 2012. The changes cover a myriad of topics, including:
- Tree Removal;
- Stream Buffer Exemptions;
- Establishing a Planned Development
A breakdown of what the process covered may be viewed HERE.
The City Council agreed with homeowners request to remove more than one specimen tree per calendar year and has included that in the land development changes.
The Council for Quality Growth supported the ability to allow homeowners the ability to build or replace structures in the city stream buffer with the minimum amount of land disturbance needed up to the 25 foot state stream buffer; however, the City Council is moving forward with a minimal land disturbance located 50ft or more from the stream.
The City provided a comprehensive background memo on the process and key discussion of changes, which may be viewed HERE.
The full scope of changes may be viewed HERE and HERE.
The Council for Quality Growth and the City of Dunwoody will host two informational sessions for developers, property owners, etc. in the Council Chambers on October 29, 2013, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and November 11, 2013, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. to assist with the transition as well as address any questions and comments that arise out of the new processes and primary changes.
Continue to read “Priorities of the Week” for information on how to sign up for these sessions. We would like to offer our support to the City elected officials and dedicated staff for their work on this process.