The City of Duluth is in the process of converting to a new Unified Development Code (UDC), and is seeking public input and comment on their current rough draft of the UDC working document. The final goal of the UDC is to remove obstacles to development in Duluth by making the development process as painless and easy as possible.
As Rich Atkinson, Duluth’s Development Planner explains, “We hope to have a very user friendly code to help everyone have an easy, pain free experience when conducting business in Duluth. From the homeowner adding an addition to their house, to the business person putting up a sign, to the developer looking to create a large project, we want everyone to have as easy a process as we can possibly provide. We want the UDC to aid in our partnership with people rather than serve as a roadblock to our mutual success.”
The current version of the UDC is a rough draft and is continuously being upgraded and refined by staff. Paige Hatley of AMEC and Bill Ross of Ross and Associates are also involved as the consultants for this project with the City of Duluth.
To view the initial rough draft of the Unified Development Code, click HERE.
To view the most up-to-date overview of the UDC update, click HERE.
The UDC draft has currently been released for a thirty (30) day public review period. Please send any comments or questions to Rich Atkinson at