On Tuesday, April 14, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners approved the DeKalb Development Services Fiscal Oversight Committee submissions from Int. CEO after two years of working with citizens and members of the development industry, through stakeholder committees and outside consultants, as part of a previously passed (on January 13, 2015) much needed Development Services package that continues to show DeKalb’s commitment to economic development and sound fiscal policies.
The Appointments to the Fiscal Oversight Committee include:
- Council for Quality Growth: Matthew S. Rendle
- American Council of Engineering Companies of Georgia: Lawson Fannéy
- Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors: Greg Catoe
- Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association: John Cooper
- Georgia Chapter for the International Council of Shopping Centers: Jim Lowe
- Building Owners and Managers Association of Georgia: Timothy Paul Thomas
- NAIOP Commercial Real Estate Development Association: Daniel Ward
- Atlanta Apartment Association: Thomas Brunson
- Leadership DeKalb: Nedra R. Jones
- DeKalb Chamber of Commerce: Debra A. Henson
The Board of Commissioners, with the support of the Council for Quality Growth and industry partners, in conjunction with a new permitting fee schedule and technology and digital plan submission upgrades, approves on January 14, 2015, the DeKalb Development Services Fiscal Oversight Advisory Committee, composed of stakeholders who are professionals in the development field, familiar with the permitting process. This Committee will provide subject matter expertise, assisting with recommending process improvements within the DeKalb Development Services office.
You can view the Council for Quality Growth’s letter to the Int. CEO and Board of Commissioner’s HERE
The Fiscal Oversight Advisory Committee will consist of 10 Members, recommended by the following organizations to Interim CEO Lee May, with approval from the Board of Commissioners. The member organizations of the Committee are as follows:
- Council for Quality Growth
- Greater Atlanta Homebuilders Association
- Atlanta Apartment Association
- Georgia Chapter for the International Council of Shopping Centers
- BOMA-Georgia
- National Association of Industrial and Office Properties
- American Council of Engineering Companies of Georgia
- Leadership DeKalb
- DeKalb Chamber of Commerce
- Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors
The Fiscal Advisory Committee is authorized to:
- Serve as an Advisory Committee to the administration and Board of Commissioners related to the fiscal management and policies of the DeKalb Development Services Division;
- Monitor Development Fund expenditures, revenues, and reserve levels, and provide input on fees and major purchases;
- Make recommendations regarding service levels, and provide input on fees and major purchases;
- Serve as ambassadors to DeKalb County in Metropolitan Atlanta region.
To read a copy of the legislation creating the Committee Click HERE
“I am excited that we have taken one more step to strengthen our partnership with the business community by establishing the Oversight Advisory Committee, which will offer greater transparency and enhance accountability as we continue to implement best practices in our Development Services Division.” said Interim CEO Lee May at the conclusion of the meeting.
Additionally, with the passing of the new permit fee schedule, which includes a new $20 Technology Fee and can be viewed HERE , the Board of Commissioners, with the recommendation of the consulting firm and permitting stakeholders committee (The Fee Analysis and Recommendations Report can be viewed HERE), approved funding for an upgrade to the Hansen 8 system and the implementation of AvolveProjectDOX, to improve customer service and business operation by allowing for digital plan submission, a great benefit for the development community to improve daily permitting procedural operations.
The Council for Quality Growth would like to commend Int. CEO Lee May, the Board of Commissioners, Deputy COO for Development Luz Borrero, county staff and the members of the Permitting Stakeholders Committee for their work, in order to continue to push DeKalb to the top of the development community’s places to do business.