DeKalb County recently released the newest version of their proposed Zoning Code rewrite after a process that has lasted several years and included extensive input from various facets of the community, including many comments from Council for Quality Growth Members and Council Member Pond & Company, the county’s consultant for the ordinance.
Some highlights from the updated ordinance include:
Zoning Ordinance Structured in Nine Articles;
- Simplified District Categories Through Consolidation;
- Consolidated Parking Standards;
- New District Densities;
- Established Overlay Policies;
- Graphic Illustrations
The County has established an aggressive adoption schedule that includes a hearing before the Planning Commission on May 7 and potentially before the Board of Commssioners on May 28, 2013, with an effective date of August 2013.
The Council for Quality Growth is currently reviewing the proposed ordinance and will be working with DeKalb County zoning staff to incorporate any additional changes the CQG believes will improve the updated rewrite proposal. We would like to thank Zoning Administrator Marian Eisenberg and her staff for their work with the Council throughout the process, and look forward to our continued work as the final adoption nears.
To view a PowerPoint of the proposed changes, as presented to the Council for Quality Growth, click HERE