At this week’s DeKalb County Commission meeting, the Board voted to defer the adoption of the Zoning Code rewrite until the August 20th meeting. The process has lasted several years and included extensive input from the community, including the Council for Quality Growth and Council Member Pond & Company, the county’s consultant on the ordinance.
The Council for Quality Growth has extensively reviewed the proposed ordinance and worked with the DeKalb County Zoning staff to incorporate changes we believe will improve the updated rewrite proposal. We would like to thank Zoning Administrator Marian Eisenberg and her staff for their work with the Council throughout the process and look forward to our continued work as the final adoption nears.
Additionally, the Council would like to thank members such as Laurel David of The Galloway Law Group, LLC and Tad Braswell of Oak Hall Companies, LLC and 2012 Council Chairman Doug Dillard and Partner at Weissman, Nowak, Curry & Wilco for their consistent input and review of the ordinance.