Over the past 25 years, Community Improvement Districts (CIDs) have emerged as significant centers of influence in the Metro Atlanta region. By utilizing self-imposed tax revenues from commercial businesses within their districts, they are dramatically changing their communities in many ways. From bold new infrastructure improvements to traffic mitigation, private security to the transformation of commercial streets into pedestrian friendly corridors and the creation of new parks, trails and green-space, CIDs are enhancing the urban and suburban landscape. These have only improved the standard of living throughout the region and will continue to do so at a rapid pace, as evidenced by recent history. The Council for Quality Growth was proud to recognize the important role the CIDs play as centers of influence in the Metro region.
At this morning’s 4th Annual CID Recognition breakfast, hosted by the Council for Quality Growth, over 275 people saw this on full display as Council Chairman Mason Zimmerman gave a “State of the CIDs” highlight presentation, which can be viewed HERE, (including the entire CID presentation) along with highlights from the speech, which can be viewed HERE.
ULI President Patrick Phillips was the keynote speaker and placed the work of Metro Atlanta CIDs in context regarding how they compare to efforts in other major cities around the country. He also emphasized the importance and value of innovative development options such as CIDs.
Atlanta Braves Executive Vice-President of Business Operations Mike Plant gave attendees a first look at the Braves new stadium and showed the newest renderings of the entertainment and mixed-use development that will be a huge addition around the stadium and a benefit to the Metro region. You can view the newest images and economic impact of the stadium HERE.
To view a partial video of Mike Plant’s presentation, click on the image below.
Following Plant’s speech, a panel of industry leaders:
- Mike LaFerle, The Home Depot
- Cody Partin, Cox Enterprises
- Brian Leary, Jacoby Development
- Ed Wolff, Cortland Partners