More the 250 members and guests were in attendance for the Council’s 26th Annual Meeting. Dr. Donald Ratajczak gave his annual economic forecast with some strong advice for the upcoming vote on the Transportation Investment Act referendum in July of 2012: “Atlanta can move forward or back, but it will not stay the same,” he said indicating that Atlanta would continue to suffer quality of life, lose business and talent to its competing cities. “Atlanta use to be in the top three of where college graduates wanted to move; now we’re 28th.”
Ratajczak also gave economic insight at the federal, state and local level. He is cautiously optimistic about the coming year citing good sales on Black Friday and Cyber Monday as showing consumers are gaining trust in the economy.
Doug Dillard was named the 2012 Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Council for Quality Growth at the meeting. “I joined the Council many years ago because this is a doing organization, not a being organization. The Council takes action and works for each one of you,” stated Doug.
Doug presented Forrest Robinson with the Chairman’s Award for his service as 2011 Chairman. The Council would like to thank Forrest for his excellent leadership and service in 2011. 2012 promises to be an important and exciting year for the Council for Quality Growth.