In our January Strategic Planning meeting the Board voted on our six goals for 2013 and committees were set up to help move these goals forward. The Branding/Communications Committee chaired by 2013 Council Vice Chair Brent Reid has been at work on the Communications goal, the first effort being to focus on a new Council logo and brand to match our re-energized activities and look for the future.
The Committee and staff have spent many hours working with our strategic consultant Howard Lalli and his designer on the new logo. In a collaborative effort, Council for Quality Growth Board Members spent hours discussing what logo best illustrated the Council’s goals. We believe this design incorporates and illustrates all aspects of the Council’s work – land use, water, environmental, building, design, construction and development. This logo reflects the history and literal images in our old logo and brings us to the current time in a modern and simple way.
Be on the lookout over the next several weeks as the Council transitions to a new brand in all facets of communication.