The City of Atlanta is working with Sustainable Atlanta to make revisions to their Building Code to promote more environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings. The City has asked CQG staff to serve on the stakeholder committee that will address these issues.
Draft 3 of the Ordinance was released on January 26th. CQG’s Atlanta Advisory Committee held a series of meetings to draft a position letter on the ordinance that was signed onto by all of the Metro Atlanta Real Estate Trade Group partners. The letter was sent to Sustainable Atlanta on February 27th.
On April 1st, Robert Reed from Southface/ Sustainable Atlanta met with the Atlanta Advisory Committee to brief members on the next steps for the Sustainable Building Ordinance. Draft 4 of the Sustainable Building Ordinance is currently being drafted to address the comments and concerns expressed in our letter. Expected revisions include a section on how historic buildings will be addressed, clarification on the certification and commissioning bond, local incentives and an expanded definitions section.
Although Draft 4 has not yet been released, the Sustainable Building Ordinance has been presented to the Mayor for her review and is being presented to the NPUs. Once Sustainable Atlanta has finalized draft 4 of the proposed ordinance, the Mayor’s office plans to present the ordinance to City Council in July.