Bus Rapid Transit Key to Gwinnett County Transportation Expansion

Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) will likely be the high-capacity option recommended in Gwinnett County’s comprehensive transportation plan, according to County Department of Transportation Director Alan Chapman.

Comprehensive BRT systems travel in dedicated lanes and have the ability to override traffic signals, making it much faster than traditional bus service. With estimates ranging between $200 million and $300 million per mile for heavy rail in Gwinnett, BRT is a suitable option  to move Gwinnett transit riders among office, residential, and commercial corridors. Chairman Nash has hinted at the County’s preference for BRT exploration at the Council for Quality Growth’s 2016, 2017, and 2018 State of the County events.

One idea for proposed BRT service in Gwinnett would run in the Satellite Boulevard corridor before reaching a multi-modal transit hub on the west side of the County that would connect riders to the existing Doraville MARTA station.

The complete Gwinnett County comprehensive transit plan, with a list of recommendations, is scheduled for public presentation on April 14.

The Council for Quality Growth firmly believes that a successful regional transit system is predicated on flexibility of modes of transit, including heavy and light-rail, BRT and ART, and creative uses of the region’s extensive managed-lane system. We support Gwinnett County’s thoughtful deliberation given to the forms of transit best suitable for the County and its riders.

To read more about the Council’s five tenets for a successful regional transit system, please click HERE.