Atlanta City Council Passes Vacant Property Registration Ordinance

The Atlanta City Council approved a vacant property registration ordinance on December 5th. Ordinance 10-O-1457 introduces a vacant property registration amendment to the Land Development Code of the Atlanta Housing Code of 1987. This ordinance would require property owners to register vacant residential properties within 30 days after the building or dwelling becomes vacant.  Below is a list of summary points about the ordinance:

  • Registration must be filed within 30 days after the building or dwelling becomes vacant or within 30 days after acquiring ownership of any vacant residential property not currently registered. The owner must pay a registration fee of $100 for each registered property.  Any vacant residential property that is in violation of any housing, building or fire code must pay a $250 renewal fee.
  • The registration will remain valid for 12 months. Renewal of the registration must be made for each 12 month period.  Upon renewal, a $100 fee must be paid or a $250 fee if the building is in violation of any housing, building or fire code.
  • Once a residential property that is on the vacant property registration list is occupied, the owner must file a statement within 5 days of occupancy.


The Council for Quality Growth along with the Atlanta Commercial Board of Realtors, the Building Owners and Managers of Atlanta (BOMA), the NAIOP and other partners were successful in getting language removed from the ordinance that would have required owners of vacant commercial and industrial properties to register as well.  The Council would like to thank these partners along with members of the Atlanta, North Fulton, and DeKalb Advisory Committees for their hard work in ensuring these properties were not included in the ordinance.

To read the ordinance, click HERE.