How often do you think about the future of your community? Are there things right now that you want to see get better? What about those attributes about your community that you love? A new regional survey being conducted by the Atlanta Regional Commission poses these questions and more to find out exactly what you think is important to ensure that Metro Atlanta remains globally competitive, raises the best workforce possible and continues to be a great place to live.
This survey offers regional residents like you a chance to prioritize six important goals identified by the ARC Board: developing a highly skilled workforce; ensuring a secure water supply; building a comprehensive transportation system; creating walkable, vibrant neighborhoods; becoming an innovation and technology hub; and improving access to arts, recreation and a healthy quality of life.
Input from this survey will be used to help ARC develop its Regional Plan of investment strategies and performance metrics that will guide public policies and investments related to issues of transportation, land use, water quality, workforce development, aging and health resources. In short, the Regional Plan is a vision to ensure growth and a high quality of life for everyone in the region. This is your opportunity to have an impact on this regional vision so that you can be sure your community is growing in the ways you want.
The survey is visual, interactive and brief. It allows for open-ended comments throughout, including the ability to suggest new priorities not yet identified. This is the first of three surveys that ARC will conduct over the course of updating the Regional Plan, set to be adopted in the Spring of 2016. This first Regional Plan survey is available at and is open from the beginning of July through the end of September 2014. Please contact Melissa Roberts, Atlanta Regional Commission with any questions at or 404-463-3272.
The Council for Quality Growth encourages all its members to provide feedback for the survey as the ARC moves forward with updating their Regional Plan.