Council Testifies In Support of DeKalb County’s Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan

DeKalb County continues to move forward with the creation of its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan. On Tuesday, August 26th, Council Policy Analyst Alexandra Hebdon testified on behalf of the Council before the Board of Commissioners to urge approval of the plan. The Council also submitted individual letters to Interim CEO May and the Board of Commissioners in support of the plan.



To view our letter to Interim CEO May and the Board of Commissioners, click HERE.


At the Commission meeting, DeKalb Deputy COO Luz Borrero and her staff requested a 2-week deferral for the plan approval because some late comments from the Commissioners could not be integrated into the final plan until the day of the Commission meeting. The Board of Commissioners approved this deferral period, allowing them two (2) additional weeks to review the final version of the plan. The Commission is expected to vote on the plan on Tuesday, September 9th, 2014.


To view the final version of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan, click HERE.


The Council for Quality Growth, along with many of our members, has been involved in the creation of this plan at all stages of the process. In December 2013, at the request of DeKalb County staff, the Council hosted a stakeholders group to help Angelou Economics – the firm contracted to develop this plan – in its preliminary data collection efforts. Council staff and members have also regularly provided feedback to DeKalb County elected officials and staff at our monthly DeKalb Advisory Committee meetings.


Deputy COO Borrero expressed excitement regarding this Comprehensive Economic Development Strategic Plan and the role that it can play in guiding future growth and development in DeKalb County, stating: “I truly believe that this plan provides a sound road map for DeKalb County to support the retention and expansion of existing businesses, diversify the local economic base and appropriate focus on long-term growth and resiliency to generate more high-quality jobs for our residents.  We appreciate the engagement of the business and civic leaders of the DeKalb County in the creation of this plan.