Input Needed: City of Atlanta’s Development Regulations & Fees

The Department of City Planning for Atlanta has formed a task force to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the total development regulatory environment, its fees, rules, and processes, and how these regulations impact the total cost of development in the City.

Specifically, the City aims to analyze all the fees and regulations that affect housing affordability as well as all development. The impetus behind this taskforce was our organization observing a lack of coordination and tracking on the cost implications to the following proposed revisions to the post-development stormwater ordinance, tree protection ordinance rewrite, and the impact fee update.

The City’s goal is to develop a methodology for assessing how regulations and fees add to development costs across all departments. For a proper analysis, the development community is invited to help compile a complete inventory of all of the regulations, policies, and fees that add to the cost of development. Listed below are some of the fees and regulations which have been initially discussed by the task force. If you know of any other policies OR would like to provide additional feedback on the regulatory cost burdens to development in the City of Atlanta, please email CFQG Senior Policy Analyst, Kimberly Steele

Fees: building permit fees, impact fees, tree permit fees, tree recompense fees, impact fees, water and sewer connection fees … etc.

Regulations: development code, post development stormwater management ordinance, tree protection ordinance, parking requirements, zoning code rewrite, property taxes, inclusionary zoning, historic preservation, NPU process ….etc.